Up Next Suggestions - Include public buddy/readalong
weepy_iskwewJul 24, 2024
Sorry if this has been thought of and posted about already but I couldn't find it! For those of us who are opted in to some of the more social features, I am wondering if it would be possible to add a up next suggestion which reccommends books based on those that have upcoming/currently running public buddy reads or readalongs? I know you can filter the buddy reads/read along lists, but having it imbeded into that up next feature would be really helpful for me and maybe for others.
Or upcoming book club books! I keep track of mine in a google sheet now, I would love to do that in the app.
Yes, great idea! We definitely want to add more sections. For example, when we have built-in library features, being able to suggest a borrowed book with an upcoming due date!