I think one of the key stats missing, it would be a way to compare year to date... For example I would love to see how the first 100 days of 2023 fare against the same period of previous years.
I would also add a couple of additional time frames such as quarters and halves. If possible even select specific windows such as Feb to Jul or March 14th to Sep 17th. I would think this could be part of the advanced statistics.
Finally, and this is probably just a pet peeve of mine, I would like to point to the way the comparison is presented. When I compare two periods is automatically selected previous year as option 1 and current as option 2. Usually, and this is just me coming from business intelligence so there could be bias, the current or most recent time frame is presented first and then the comparison is second.
This is one of the main things coming as part of the new Advanced Stats offering. :-D