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Book Clubs V2
Apr 17, 2024

Let's hear it! :-D

Feb 26, 2025

As admin, I would like to be able to reorder or archive forums.
Sometimes I want to create a forum for a specific event or activity, but afterwards, I don't really need that forum anymore, except for archiving purposes.
Additionally, sometimes I want to create a new forum that should stay long-term, but I still want the "news & club updates" forum to be on top of the list.

Feb 19, 2025

Our (rather large) club from goodreads has been running on TSG for a few months and users have been actively participating and giving us feedback. I collected what came up the most, here it is:

  1. We vote on 5 books per poll. Users would like to be able to vote on 5 books on TSG, too.

  2. People would like to receive notifications on all new posts in readalongs they joined, not just replies to their comments. (I know this is most likely already covered in the notification feature, but it came up in the context of clubs, so posting it here, too)

  3. The same goes for forums of the club.

  4. Our club reads books over the course of a month (readalongs that run from 1st to last day of month or 16th to 15th). We currently set meetings for the last day of the readalong and then add the readalong. People are confused by the single date and would prefer to see the readalong dates. For us, the meeting is just a crutch in this case. Being able to show readalongs alongside meetings (for when the club has a actual meeting, like a voice chat) would be ideal.

  5. We read two "books of the month", and in addition we re-read two books the club has already read in the past. We would like to be able to distinguish between the two categories (or give meetings a title that is displayed on the meetings tab) to place the main books more prominently and make it easier for users to see which is which.

  6. Because of the rereads, it would be great if ratings of all members would be factored into the leaderboard ratings, regardless of when the book was read.

  7. Users wish for an easier way to see an overview over current & upcoming club books. Since this is more complex, I have created a separate ticket here: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/de/requests-ideas/posts/overview-of-currend-upcoming-club-books

  8. Book club statistics came up, too.

  9. We have club challenges that we currently create on the "club mod" account. It would be great to have clubs be able to create challenges (ideally, all club admins would be able to edit those challenges).

Feb 15, 2025

Can we have more security options? On Meetup, members have to answer questions and be reviewed by admins before they can join and see links etc. We previously had harassment issues through a more open club on meetup so this is necessary before we can share online links on the StoryGraph.

Feb 15, 2025

My book club has multiple administrators. Can we share and transfer ownership when needed?

Jan 31, 2025

I am LOVING trying out the book clubs feature!

One big ask: I have a book club that reads mostly nonfiction, and we read a couple of chapters a week, and then meet weekly to discuss. I would love to have the option to mark multiple meetings for one book, and somehow delineate which chapters are due for which meeting. And have the buddy read pertain to the whole span of the book, not just tied to one book club's meeting. I keep getting a notification that my buddy read is almost done because the book club meeting is coming up, even though we are nowhere near done with the book!

Jan 1, 2025

I am a member of an unusual book club that I would love to move to TSG, but we don't choose a book to read, but rather a Genre where each reader can choose their own book and share it with the group. Would something like this be considered?

Jan 4, 2025

elentikvah Perhaps! What you could do for now is use forums only?

Jan 16, 2025

Nadia We're the same, we don't choose a book. I'd like to be able to add all the titles we end up discussing/suggesting during our meeting. Right now I would use forums, but I'm not sure members get notified of posts/comments?

Jan 21, 2025

amber_brookins They get notified when there's a new forum and when there's a reply to their comment at the moment. There'll be more options once the current ones have been transferred to push notifications.

Nov 20, 2024

I love love love buddy reads. There are ways it can be improved for sure (aka marking what chapter as opposed to page/percentage), but it is by far my favorite method of reading books with friends on SG. I would love if there was a way to have a group of friends where you can add a book and everyone in that group was automatically included in the buddy read. I feel like this would be an easier way than adding the same group of people for every buddy read.

Feb 24, 2025

madlyreading Second this! I want to be able to make a list where multiple people can add books we are recommending. That way we can all do buddy reads when we get a chance to read a book. Creating a buddy read each time is arduous when it is hundreds of books.

Nov 18, 2024

I’ve been enjoying using book clubs! I just use it with small groups of friends (2-3 people) as a way to keep all the books we’ve read together in one place. I’d love a book club level setting I can turn on so everyone is automatically marked as attending a meeting so they get automatically added to the buddy read. Since it’s such a small group, everyone is part of every buddy read but people forget to click Attending and then can’t find the buddy read.

Nov 18, 2024

I would love to reuse readalongs. Our club has been running for a while, so we regularly schedule rereads of books the club has already read (and that can, therefore, not be voted as official club books again). For this, I would like to create a new meeting, but eventually (this will not become a current problem for quite some time) attach an existing readalong instead of creating a new one, so we can see and react to the previous discussion.

Nov 12, 2024

I would definitely love some basic moderation features for the forums. As an admin, I would at least like to be able to delete posts and kick users, maybe even ban them. I don't need much more than that.

Our club has a very strict "no promotions" policy, to protect our users and keep it as a place for readers to talk about books primarily, and I would like to be able to enforce that.

Nov 12, 2024

imaginary_space You can remove users or block them! If you remove them, their posts and comments still remain, if you block them, their posts and comments are removed.

Nov 13, 2024

Nadia Oh, I was searching for it in the forums, but now I found it on the member list! Thank you! <3

Nov 18, 2024

Nadia Can I also delete a single post, without removing the user? Sort of giving out a warning?

Nov 18, 2024

imaginary_space Not at the moment!

Oct 21, 2024

I love TSG and use it exclusively for my personal reading. I am trying to convince my book club to use it. At the moment they are looking at an app called “Bookclubs” and I’d like to find a way to sway them to TSG. Here are the features that would tip the scale for us:

  1. Polls that are independent of a specific meeting. We vote on 8-12 books at a time and then assign them to a meeting date.
  2. Rank ordered polls. Each of our members suggests 3 books and then we rank order those, selecting the highest scored book to go on the next round list.
  3. Meeting reminders directly (automatically?) from the app so we don’t have to remember to email the group about an upcoming meeting.
  4. RSVP yes or no to a meeting. If the only option is to mark “attending”, then we don’t know if someone is unable to attend or just didn’t get around to marking it.

Love the ideas others have included about the stats and leaderboard areas.

Oct 10, 2024

If the recommendations could also highlight books that are on all members TBR? That would be so cool!

Oct 6, 2024

I would really love to see a 'readalong' tab in book clubs. Currently from a book club page you can only see what live and upcoming readalongs a club has from via a meeting, or at least I haven't found another route.
Ps... I love what you are building!

Nov 18, 2024

nikki_bell I came here to give another voice to a club readalong list. Our club reads books from 1st to last of the month, and another set from 15th to 15th. I set the meetings to 30th/31st and 15th respectively, but sometimes people are confused as to when a read starts and don't yet think of clicking on the readalong in the meeting to find out (because that has both dates). A list of readalongs (current and upcoming) that shows both those dates in the list would solve that.

Aug 23, 2024

Would love to be able to hold discussions in the book club similar to what readalongs are, without having to create a readalong.

Aug 24, 2024

charadelle Have you tried using the forum section?

Aug 10, 2024

I would love to see some stats about the specific Book Club. Our book club has existed since 2019 and we have gone back to add in all the books we have read for past meetings. It would be so cool to see like stats around like how many books in different genres we have read, dnf rate, average ratings for members etc. It would also be great if we could associate a book club pick to a specific member and see stats on that as well.

Oct 10, 2024

andrea_625 super agree with this! Would be sooo cool

Jul 25, 2024

Ability to end a poll early if everyone has voted already

Jan 16, 2025

mirandareadsca second this!

Jul 11, 2024

I would love an overview over which books my clubs are currently reading and upcoming books, so I can plan my personal reading.

Jun 13, 2024

(Maybe I just haven't found out how to do this, but ...) I would like to be able to choose a book's edition for a book club meeting.
When I search for the German title of a book, I will find the correct book, but it will always show me the main edition (which, in case of translated books, is in English) and I can only add the main edition to the meeting.
Some of our club member read exclusively in German and they will not find the book/meeting easily, because the English and German titles aren't always a direct translation and the covers are often different.

Jun 14, 2024

imaginary_space It'll show you the edition you've got marked if you have one, I believe. So add the one that you want to your to-read for now before selecting the book!

Jun 11, 2024

In the "upcoming meetings" and "past meetings" views, I would like to see the number of people attending each meeting without having to click on them.

We do not hold meetings for one book, we get together and everybody talks about a book they like. I create "upcoming meetings" for books we have talked about, and when enough people are interested, we see if we can schedule a buddy read. So it would be helpful to have an overview.

Jan 16, 2025

imaginary_space Love this idea! Our club is very similar in structure, but what a fun idea to use it to plan buddy reads!

May 30, 2024

Love the Leaderboard, it's such a cool idea! I'd love to be able to force update the leaderboard, or have there be an annual recalculation, instead of just updating only on book clubs within a week?

A lot of members of my book club don't necessarily use TSG super consistently and sometimes they might take a couple weeks (or as we noticed reviewing for the intro of Book Clubs, months or years) to review a book after we've read it. I also know that I sometimes rethink my ratings towards the end of the year as I sort of review everything I've read. It would be nice if we could force the leaderboard to update like how we can recalculate the year in review stats?

I also know part of the reason for the limited time frame was performance and I'm not really sure if there's any solutions to that, but the other part about wanting to make the leaderboard historically accurate to who was a member of at the time isn't something I prioritize (which I could certainly be a minority) but when I talked to the other members of my book club they liked the idea that it would encompass all reviews regardless of if we read them at the same time, so it gives us a better understanding of what we all like (or didn't lol)!

Jun 20, 2024

vonny3492 Seconding this.

I have another related question: If someone does not attend a meeting, but participates in the corresponding buddy read, will their rating be taken into account?

Jun 21, 2024

imaginary_space Yes, confirmed in another comment below. Search for "lied" and you'll see it. 😅

May 27, 2024

Reading sprints! A bot or Pomodoro timer feature with a chat log and the ability to schedule sprinting sessions.

Jan 16, 2025

shes_tay this sounds fun!

May 26, 2024

Hey! I'm running a book club that is centred around nonfiction books, and the members do not meet in real life. We don't know each other in person, so the only way to communicate is on the forum of the book club. This can cause the book club to fall off peoples' radars because there is no way to send out announcements to all members about anything and if you don't actively come and check for updates, then you will miss new posts (which is how I do my 'announcements' now).
I'd like to send announcements such as a call for book suggestions, a call to vote in the poll, a call to participate in the readalong once it is up, etc.
Perhaps to help people to manage notifications, there could be a toggle for notifs on or off for a given book club?

May 27, 2024

ninett We'll start working on push notifications for the app in general in the next month or two! https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/mobile-push-notifications

May 27, 2024

Nadia Oh I didn't see that! Thank you very much for all your hard work!!

May 9, 2024

Other Leaderboard ideas! I made my own for my book club in a spreadsheet because (despite my best efforts) not everyone is on TSG yet and here are some things I encountered:

  • Not everyone rates books at all! I started factoring in "how many people have marked this book as "Read"?" when calculating the rankings. Having a column for that in the Leaderboard might be neat.
  • Similarly, having a column for # of DNFs is interesting data. If only one person ranked a book as 5⭐ but everyone else DNFed because they hated it, I wouldn't want that one to float to the top of the board without a signal about the DNFs.
  • I also added a column to my sheet that calculated the standard deviation. Which books do we all universally love or hate? Which ones do we have the most disagreement about?
Jun 24, 2024

jaina8851 totally agree with all of this! Take a look at my leaderboard suggestions above (posted May 29, 2024) see if you agree?

Apr 29, 2024

First - LOVE the new feature!! Thank you SO much.

One thing I'd love to see added would be the ability to have two people set up as admin. I created the club but I co-facilitate with someone else and I would like be able to add them as an admin or something like that.

Sep 26, 2024

rainbowbrarian Seconding this! I have a club lead that assists me with things!

Dec 5, 2024

rainbowbrarian This is so important! A friend and I are organising a book club, but she set it up as an admin so I can't help her go in and set up meetings.

Apr 26, 2024

make book clubs discoverable so people can join them

Apr 25, 2024

And another one!! Could the "Book Club Suggestions" factor in members' TBR, in addition to the machine learning algorithm? It would be really cool if there was a suggestion like "Four of you have X book on your TBR, and it matches the mood/theme/etc of your book club! Consider picking this book for your next meeting!"

Apr 25, 2024

Just thought of this while I was setting up a few new meetings for my club (we choose books several months in advance). I'd love to have default settings for meetings! We use the same Zoom link every month, so it would be really convenient to have that pre-populated in each meeting so I don't need to look it up every time. I also plan on setting up a Buddy Read for every meeting and it would be nice to have that automagically set up for me since it's a multi-step process right now.

Apr 23, 2024

Loving the Book Club feature (and loved following your Insta stories while you set it up) 🤩. Thank you!

My book club is pretty old school and not all are particularly into technology - I've always tracked our meeting data on a spreadsheet.

If at all possible, I'd love to be able to add the names of members and record their ratings, etc. so that the leaderboard is not just based on my ratings, haha.

Appreciate the consideration ❤️

Apr 23, 2024

Oh, and we take turns choosing the book. It would be great if I could indicate whose chosen the book. Some great stats could come from this too, e.g. who picks the most/least loved books, what kinds of books each member gravitates towards, etc.

Thanks again!

Apr 24, 2024

holly14 Thanks for these, Holly. So glad you enjoyed following the journey on Stories. There was a world in which V1 had a way for a host to add in a user's rating, but that still would have required a TSG account. For the choosing of the book, for now you can note that down in the agenda, but I do see a future where whoever made the nomination/selection is listed.

Apr 22, 2024

Love the initial release! It's so helpful to just have a collection of members so I don't have to remember who all to invite each time for buddy reads. My ideas for what I'd like to see in the future:

  • The tabs should be permalinks, like the tabbed views under Community (ex: /book_clubs/{id}/upcoming-meetings, /book_clubs/{id}/members)
  • The About section doesn't need to be a tab I don't think. There's a lot of empty space in the area where the book club's name is, and I feel like some of those lines could be collapsed to make room for putting the "About" section there ("Run By" and "X members" don't need to be on separate lines, for example)
  • I think the page as a whole could benefit from a two column layout. Would love a smaller column on the left that featured the current read, and then below that maybe a "Members" tab formatted similar to the "Friends" one on the Community page. Maybe the "Suggested Reads" could also go here at the bottom.
  • I wish the Leaderboard did not require people to mark meetings as "attended". Maybe that can be an option to toggle on/off, but I feel like if a member has read the book at all, I want their rating to be factored in. I would love to add the backlog of past reads for this book club, but there's no point in doing that if I then have to bother everyone to go in and mark themselves as having attended 12+ previous meetings.
  • Though we aren't there yet, I would love the option to have a pretty graphic associated with a yearly wrap-up for the books read in book club, similar to what we get for our personal stats. Even in the meantime, it'd be nice to see a little more ~* flair *~ to the Leaderboard page that shows the covers and average rating.

Excited to see where y'all take the feature, and thank you for your hard work on it!

Apr 23, 2024

maxgardner I would also love for the leaderboard to be based on every club member who has read the book, regardless of them attending the meeting. Since our club meets in real life, we don't create a meeting or buddy read for every book. Sometimes people will read books beacuse someone else recommended them during a meeting. So they didn't read the book at the same time, but they did all read it and talk about it during club meetings.

Apr 23, 2024

maxgardner I'm actually surprised that the leaderboard is only based on who "attended"... I meticulously added all 100 of my past book clubs books, and definitely didn't mark myself as "attended" for all of them. Mine seems to be populated with all the books I read, and I invited one of my book club members as a test (and I know she just joined and didn't really do much else with the feature) and I just double checked that the leaderboard now shows the average rating for the two of us for the books we both read.

May 9, 2024

jaina8851 oh man if this is true I feel bad I made everyone mark themselves as attending 🤣

May 9, 2024

vonny3492 I just confirmed it again in a different way. There's a book on the Leaderboard that only one of my members read (and I did not), and it displays her rating, and she did NOT mark herself as Attending for that meeting. So it seems this is working as it should!!

Jun 6, 2024

jaina8851 vonny3492 maxgardner I've lied to you all. It's not based on who attended. I did it for all members! I think where it's likely that it's someone who attended, is because they need to have read it within a week or the meeting. Apologies for all of the inconvenience caused and for anybody (probably vonny?) who made a bunch of people join old meetings!

Apr 22, 2024

Thank you for all of your hard work on V1 of the bookclubs! I have just a couple things that spring to mind for me at the moment.

  • just wanting to add my vote to the ability to reorder forums and/or pin forums, as well as perhaps pinning messages in forums too.

  • I wondered if we would be able to set a date for the meetings that is just the month. No day or time. My reason for this is, I like using bookclubs to have a 1 stop place for all of the readalongs I'll be holding, as well as a place for a code of conduct, and the forums etc. But my bookclub is purely online only and wont have a specific meeting date. I've attached a photoshop of the current view to show how I'd want it to display.

  • Will there eventually be a plan to make Book Clubs searchable? I can see at the moment its just a case of being invited to join one/given the link to join. I think it would be nice if Book Clubs could set themselves as Open or Private, then Open ones could be searched for from the community tab.

  • and finally, just an aesthetic one for me so plenty of others might disagree, but I'd want the About section of the bookclub to not be a tab but instead displayed underneath the bookclub name and who its run by. It just felt a bit strange to me to have to go looking for a description of the club.

Apr 23, 2024

thebi_brarian My online club also has mothly reads, so we will read & talk about a book we chose during a whole month and not have specific meetings!

Apr 20, 2024

First off, I can't tell you how thrilled I am that Book Clubs came to STG! <3
HUGE thank you! We are a club that desperately needs a concise functional way to discuss books online on top of our in-person meetings.

Here are my recommendations for V2:

  • The big feature for me and my club is TBR and Read lists for clubs. We actually poll based on the recommendations tracked in our club's TBR.
  • Within those lists, having a tag system for sorting through genres. Or perhaps keeping a single total list of books, and having 'TBR' and 'Read' tags.
  • Chiming in agreement on upvoting on books within the book lists, so that hosts can see which books members are most interested in.
  • Privacy Settings: Being able to toggle whether a club is private (invite only) or public - I didn't see any information on this? I would be interesting hosting both sorts, one private and one where it could be accessed/discovered publicly via TSG.
  • Also chiming in agreement on reordering forum with a special request for the ability to pin forums to the top.
Apr 20, 2024


Just remembered another probably difficult one, but..

  • Having a way that members of a book club could have a book club specific nickname - private to only that book club? Or perhaps this is more a TSG-wide suggestion - and could be toggled on/off for clubs?

The reason I ask is that my group is local, and it's hard to know who is who when it's just everyone's site-wide username (and usually not their face as a profile pic) instead of their real names. This goes hand in hand with the Privacy setting, of course, but being able to have folks have a nickname for Book Clubs would be astronomically helpful in letting in-person clubs connect faces to names to users.

Apr 18, 2024
  • More than one host for a book club (not just for one meeting)
Apr 20, 2024

imaginary_space Seconding this!

Apr 29, 2024

RaspberryBri Thirding this!

Feb 15, 2025

imaginary_space Yes. Need ability to have multiple admins and transfer ownership to create meetings.

Apr 18, 2024
  • More than 4 options in a book poll.
  • Ability to add more than one book to a meeting.
  • Search bar in "upcoming meetings" where I can search for a book title/author.
  • Ability to comfortably link/imbed books in forum posts (maybe I can copy & paste the link and TSG automatically shows it as title + author, nicely formatted, or I have a button next to the other formatting buttons where I can search for a book or...)
  • Ability to add a (sub-)title to a meetings, for themed polls etc. (my book club has monthly themes)
Apr 17, 2024
  • Ability to add "bonus" books to an event. My book club will sometimes have a main book and a bonus book or sometimes a choice of two books in a single meetup. Being able to have both books visibly represented and attached to the event would be great! Not sure how common this is for other folks. I'm getting around it right now by linking to it in the meeting notes/agenda. It also would be cool to have a way to designate a book a "bonus" like you can with a reading challenge, esp if the reading challenge features ever get folded in to book clubs.

  • A way of messaging group members. This is a probably a much bigger lift since there is currently no way to message at all in the app, but, if I need to say to my friends "hey I can't make it to the date we've set for next month, can we reschedule?" I have to do that outside the app. I'd love to be able to do it straight from TSG so I can explain why I'm sending out a new poll. Another use case I can see for this is to notify folks about something related to the book. We've had a few instances where we've picked a book (e.g. Fledgling by Octavia Butler) without knowing a whole lot about it and then the first person to start reading was like "HEY team this book has some content warnings we didn't know about, make sure you take a look at them before getting started".

  • A way to reorder the forums. I'm using one of those as a makeshift TBR, but it was the first forum I made, so now it's buried at the bottom. I'd like to pin it to the top.

Apr 17, 2024

jaina8851 Seconding reordering forums! That would be really helpful, especially for lager clubs with lots of online communication.

Apr 20, 2024

jaina8851 Thirding the reordering of forums!

May 30, 2024

jaina8851 seconding the more than one book!

Apr 17, 2024

Thank you for the book club features! I am excited to try it out with my book club! I especially love the concept of the leaderboard.

Just wanted to add to the wishlist for V2 - I would love to have TBR and Read lists for the book club page. Maybe on the TBR members could upvote books they are interested in reading, so there can be a kind of asynchronous ongoing poll. If a TBR is added, I'd love to also be able to use tags to help organize it.

I'd also be super interested in book club stats, if that's something that could be supported in the future. What moods are the books we choose? What formats/editions are members reading them in? What are our top authors within book club picks? How do members' reading outside of the book club compare to book club picks?

Just throwing around ideas. Thanks for all the great work you do!

Apr 17, 2024

astropova Seconding tbr with tags!

Apr 17, 2024

astropova Big +1 on both of these features. A TBR that everyone can contribute to is the only feature that bookclubs.com has that I really wish the new TSG book clubs had.

I also diligently maintain a tag for all of my book club's past books so that I can see the stats, and having that be looped in to the book club itself would be really cool so I don't have to be maintaining the list of books in three places.

The third in-app place where I maintain a list is a reading challenge so I can see what percentage of the books I've read, I'd also love if there was a piece in the book club that included that data so anyone could see "I've read 65% of these books, here are the ones I've read and here are the ones I haven't". Having all that info accessible in just the one "book club" place would be incredible!!

Apr 20, 2024

astropova I came here to also recommend TBR and Read Lists for tracking!

May 30, 2024

astropova seconding the book club stats!

Apr 17, 2024
Set the status to