The StoryGraph
The StoryGraph
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Bugs in new Android Stats tab
Dec 19, 2024

I've noticed a few bugs while trying to navigate around the Stats tab. I sent in a screen recording to support@ if that would be helpful, but noora only lets you upload pictures.

  • The Stats tab now loads with "All-time" as the default instead of the current year

  • There seem to be a few problems with the Custom Stats dropdown:
    --- If you navigate to 2024, change to Custom Stats, and then pick a particular month, you end up in a view where there is no button for the Wrap-Ups on either the Custom or Standard views. I don't actually remember what I did to get back to being able to see these buttons other than hard restarting the app.
    --- If you ever navigate to the Custom stats, you end up "stuck" there even after you have navigated back to Standard. If you try to drag from the top to refresh, you snap back to Custom. If you change what time period you are looking at in the top (e.g. going from 2024 December to just 2024), you end up loading in Custom.

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