The StoryGraph
Add genres to TSG library export
Sep 17, 2024

This is a feature request prompted by a persistent bug.

Pretty much every week I need to be able to scroll through all my read books of a particular genre. With around 700 of them, this is impossible, at least on my i5 with 32GB RAM. The books load with glacial slowness, the loading hangs for minutes at a time, and afte while, duplicates start popping up, repeat entries of books already loaded earlier in the hours-long attempt. I'm posting this request after my most recent aborted attempt, having given up after only 2+ hours and not 3-4+ as in earlier attempts.

That is very, very frustrating, but a simple workaround would be if the TSG library export included the genre tags. Then the CSV could be filtered by genre. But, of course, it doesn't. Only user-added tags are downloaded, not those TSG added. Head-scratchingly surreal and incredibly frustrating after having been thwarted for the umpteenth time to find the data I was looking for. If user-added tags can be included for export, why not TSG's OWN tags? TSG's "mood" and "pace" tags ARE included, why not "genre"?

Sep 18, 2024

Merged into post that reflects underlying problem.