Plus Streak Stats
Mar 4, 2023
As we transition Plus to be an Advanced Stats Package, we'd love to add in a couple of extra stats for y'all on your streak page.
What would y'all like to see?
As we transition Plus to be an Advanced Stats Package, we'd love to add in a couple of extra stats for y'all on your streak page.
What would y'all like to see?
Not sure if this ideas forum is still open but I find the combined graph very distorted as pages and minutes are on the one Y Axis, could we maybe have a combination chart with a secondary Y Axis optio on the right hand side of the graph where minutes could be displayed separately overlaid with pages?
I'd really love to have an option to show what % of days in the last month/year/all time I've met my streak criteria - ideally with an option to show only that and not the streak length too! Streaks don't work well for me, but I'd love to still track how often I read without the pressure of breaking a streak
I would love to see information like "You've read x amount of pages in the past (period, total streak or last 28 days) which is x% more/less than the previous period". A calendar would be amazing too, like for the January Pages challenge, showing how many minutes/pages I read over the course of a month and maybe a heatmap to show days of peak reading.
aftereliza I love the idea of a calendar heatmap!
this would be more for in the end-of-year wrapup than plus stats but it still relates to streak stats so hopefully this is an okay place to mention it: i think it could be cool to have a stat saying "you read x of 365 days this past year" (or could also be shown as a percentage).
i've broken my streak multiple times this year but only for a day or two each time, and currently the streak page has no way of reflecting that i've read almost every day this year, even if my streak says 45 days. would be great to have some sort of stat that could reflect this! (could also be formatted differently than my suggestion; this is just what i thought of)
spark_879 I like the idea! We have this: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/annual-wrap-up-days-read.
I have one giant daily streak from a little before the feature came out, so comparisons between streaks would be less useful for me, but I like what others have suggested about seeing breakdowns within the streak by pages vs. minutes, genre, that kind of thing.
bookcasey Love these ideas! I also might like the idea of multiple kinds of streaks, like the 1+ pages a day and maybe a second one for bigger page counts or something like that. Days you read 20 pages, or 100 pages.
After the January pages challenge, I was wondering if you could extend the streak view to more than the last 28 days? I'd love to see stats for the length of the streak!
aftereliza Do you mean you'd like this chart to extend for the whole duration of the streak?
Nadia Yes, please! If that's at all possible? Or maybe having two separate views, one for the default view and then having a button to show full streak?
aftereliza We'll certainly consider it!
This looks really cool! I'd love to see these kinds of stats for individual books as well!
I think gamifying this with little emojis or something would be a great idea, with an option for notification reminders, to help encourage those of us easily distracted folks to get our daily streak updates in.
rollickingradness I NEED THIS! I don't need reminders to read, but I often need reminders to update my streak. Push notifications would be a godsend hahaha right now, I use Apple reminders
rollickingradness YES! A push notification would be fantastic, and also with an option to 'pause' the push notification for a timeframe.
I tend to go on goal hyper focus binges. I'll do something for X days and then just stop. I would rather tell the reminder "I am not currently interested in maintaining this goal, ask me again in 7/14/21/28 days." Like kipipsi also said - sometimes while I am in goal hyper focus mode, I will forget to also tell Story Graph that I read today.
rollickingradness Seconding the gamification idea! Love achievments and badges and that kind of thing.
An option for having the streak be able to add a streak day for every day reading, rather than only every however-many-days-you-set.
So if you read the quota every day, you add +1 for every day. The days-set just acts as a buffer to not lose the streak.
So my streak is every 2 days, but I wish every day that I read increased my streak and that I could just have 2 days as the grace period before I lose it
but as it is I can only increase my streak every 2 days
ie. mine is 10 pages every 2 days
So if I read 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 my streak would be 4 at the minute
But I'd love it if that worked so that it would be a streak of 6
It would be really cool to see the average amount of pages read (and/or minutes listened) over an amount of time - for example over the last 28 days as part of the streak page.
I’ve worked out that to reach my pages goal for the year, I need to read 50 pages a day, so an average would be helpful to see that I’m on track.
I feel like this would fit into the streaks quite well :)
I'd love to see a split between pages and minutes streak (if applicable) — what's my longest pages streak, what's my longest minutes streak, what tends to be the average number for my streaks in both cases.
In my case specifically I log a bit daily no matter what so I would love to more insight into what makes me log more or less and when, since my numbers vary a ton; but I realise that's a minority, so prioritising what makes people log at all likely makes much more sense!
I really like the suggestion jaina8851 left below, so based on that — no idea how doable it is, but you could have a machine learning-powered carousel saying, "You're more likely to have a streak when you're reading books that are [genre, mood, length]. How about adding some of the books below from your TBR to your Up Next?"
Compare stats to other plus users! Like "You read more books than 10% of Plus users" or "You reviewed the most books this month"
thebookbin This post is for streak stats specifically! We sometimes have more general stats posts open and will be having a Compare Stats feature as part of our Stats V4 work.
A calendar version would be nice to have visually!
These are only half-baked ideas haha...
This one probably would be data storage intensive, but like... some kind of comparative historical streak data might be really cool. Something like "your longest streaks tend to be from late December through February, with an average quit date of Feb 21, can you break your record this year?" or "here is a graph showing all streaks longer than X days" with a hard minimum of whatever makes sense from a data performance perspective but maybe an otherwise customizable number. Attaching a super rough graph idea for this. Might be tricky given how delightfully customizable the notion of what constitutes a streak is, but, just a thought.
Another idea would be comparisons with other users... like "here's the bellcurve of streak length, here's where you land".
Or what about correlating some aspects of the journal entries with streaks... "you are most likely to maintain a streak if you're reading X genre or mood".
jaina8851 Fun! Thanks!
jaina8851 I love this idea! I tend to go through periods where I will read a ton of books, and periods where I just...don't. I'd love for StoryGraph to run the data analysis for me (I mean, I technically can now, but it would be awesome for Storygraph to do the lifting).