Stats V4
In Progress
Oct 12, 2022
The next iteration of our stats dashboard is coming soon. There'll be new addition for both free and Plus users, the latter of which will form the bulk of the transitioning of Plus to an "Advanced Stats" package.
Merged posts
Compare tag stats with regular statsCompare tag stats with overall statsView stats for a filtered subset of booksAverage Days to finish a bookKey-value pairs for tagsCompare TBR with Read statsMore categories in pages read Read Time StatChange scale/axes of stats graphsStats: Average number of days to finish a book
New for Plus users: Create your own (pie and bar) charts (!!), compare any two StoryGraph stats slices (including two custom time periods), new genre double bar chart when comparing two years, tag stats are now included in the main dropdown (with audiobook length stats included), and compare stats with other users!
Is there a way to compare charts made in custom stats? I was looking forward to this feature but when I compare stats I only see the standard charts.
I would love to have the ability to create a chart for time read the way you do it with pages (dividing the pages for the custom chart). I would love to see in charts how long it takes for me to finish a a book, having tags for this purpose feels too cluttered.
I would love to have stats based off of the pub date of the book I read. I would love to see if I tend to read newer releases vs backlist titles.
aleenala There actually is if you sort by "all time" on the stats page. It's publication date on the y-axis and read date on the x-axis.
It would be wonderful to be able to select a date range when comparing tag stats, similar to when comparing other types of stats.
Sometimes I would like to be able to:
msonoda Will have to be a V5+ addition. Todo list for V4 just has two (small) items left!
Average number of days to finish a book is now live!
Only two things left on this long-running story:
Then the next iteration of the stats dashboard will come in 2025.
Nadia I was wondering if the different length of the wide underline below this new segment was deliberate? It’s ever so slightly shorter than the others in the Read group. Hence it catches my eye - I have a preference for things lining up, in case you wonder where this originates from!!!
Also, is the font for the average value too large? It seems quite, errrr, ‘loud’ compared to the other similar text, because it’s a tad larger than even the subheading the calculated value sits under.
Might well be a personal preference thing here though, but the thoughts popped to mind as I was testing the new feature out!!! HTH 🤞
tuftymctavish Oh yes, I meant to fix that. The shorter line is a copy and paste from elsewhere in the app. I'm pretty sure most people prefer things to line up! Regarding the font size, it is intentionally bigger as it is the stat, if you get what I mean. The styling was copied from other places where I have a number as a stat, e.g. the DNF page and giveaway page for hosts, but then I made it slightly smaller as I thought it was too big. Now, I'm not sure as to whether it should be smaller, but I definitely think it should be bigger than other text on the page. I don't think it should be the same size as the books and pages read, for example.
tuftymctavish FYI!
Nadia No way 😱 Not the ‘infernal ratio’ again! 🫣 I’m in the B camp, FWIW 🤗
tuftymctavish Haha, oh I knew which camp you were in. 😂
Is it possible to expand the table length, or page to the next chunk, for Most Read Authors (among other graphs)? I am enjoying data mining the most-read-authors for a custom time period, but would love to be able to see past the top 10 for each time period, as well as to see what the #11-20 place all-time authors for me are.
I don't think I can do that in the new Plus graphics, unless I go tag all my books with author name.
patlo I think eventually we'll have a link where you can click to "view more..." and it'll expand but not as part of V4. Sorry!
Hi! Love the updates to stats! I'd like to be able to see my total page counts when comparing tags. For example I've made a custom chart to track all the types of books I read (i.e. novels, graphic novels, manga, comics, reference,poetry, etc.) and can see the percentage of each in a pie chart or the total books in each in a bar chart, but total number of books isn't really useful for those of us who track our reading by pages.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Hi Nadia, Thank you so much for creating the Custom Charts! I absolutely adore that as a feature! I was just wondering if it could be possible to develop a system or filter for each of the custom charts so that they either appear all the time or only appear for certain tags or shelves? There are some charts I have created to use only for my owned books, some for my read books and others for my TBR. I would be so grateful but I'll continue to test out the other features of the custom charts in the meantime! ❤️
aftereliza When I come to work on V2 we'll see what the main priorities/requests for improvements are! :-D
Nadia Apologies if you've answered this already but is there any plans to allow us to create custom charts related with other book information, such as paperback vs hardcover?
laraneves Potentially! I've considered that, but that'll be a future large iteration of the feature.
This is a really amazing development! Thank you so much ❤️ I'm having a great time creating custom charts that really help me track more of my collection. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a double filter on the stats? I'm hoping to narrow down the results to a shelve (Read, TBR, DNF, Owned) and a Tag. Also, I was wondering if you're thinking of ever including tropes as an additional trackable category or if we should go ahead and tag tropes manually instead to get more stats on them? Thanks!
I would also love to be able to use a double filter on stats eventually! (But these new features are amazing as is!)
le3713 aftereliza Thank you for the feedback! There are definitely more advanced filter options coming for Plus members over time. This latest launch is essentially V1 of an Advanced Stats Plus plan. So, expected more advanced filter and customisation options down the line (though the earliest on big updates for this will be the end of this year as there's a bunch of other priorities I now have)!
New for Plus users: Create your own (pie and bar) charts (!!), compare any two StoryGraph stats slices (including two custom time periods), new genre double bar chart when comparing two years, tag stats are now included in the main dropdown (with audiobook length stats included), and compare stats with other users!
Nadia Wow, now that's cool!
Nadia Thank you for your great work.
Would it be possible to also implement picking up color based on the color code for the new graphs?
monkatx Hello! Thank you! What do you mean exactly?
Nadia Either to be able to assign exact values to these sliders or have a field for the hex code of the color.
Users can then create their own color shemes for the charts to make them look pretty with some outside tools and copy the color codes right in instead of trying to match correct color with the sliders.
Sorry english is not my native language, so I sometimes use incorrect words which may cause confusion. Especially with the more technical stuff.
monkatx Oh, yes, I've realised today that Android devices have a relatively poor native colour picker compared to the browser and iOS. Attached are what I have on my iPhone and in the browser you have ways to input HEX, RGB, and more. I'm looking into what I can do for Android, if anything, or if I have to create something custom.
Nadia Oooh, double bar chart for comparing two years - AWESOME! I can see the headlines now:
" Global reading plunges as TSG Plus users sucked into stats sinkhole" 🤣
Nadia How do you compare with other users? That's the only bit I haven't been able to figure out!!
jaina8851 When you're on their stats page, there's a button to "Compare Stats" with theirs!
Nadia Not sure if this is asked yet. Just tried this feature out and it is amazing, love it! Question: could the charts I have made be implemented in the compare stats part as well? So I can compare months with eachother
a_robin_reads Hello! Yes, that'll come, but I had to launch it first and see adoption and usage before adding it to Compare Stats. If there isn't already a post on this, perhaps you can add it? Someone will eventually!
Will we be able to have a widget of our book reading progress for our blogs?
deest This doesn't really tie into Stats. There's a separate post for that!
Nadia Sorry!
deest That's okay! (Here's one of the relevant posts: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/widgets)
I just saw in the requests forum that the advanced stats will include some changes to the genre charts. Will this include being able to exclude certain genres?
For context, just been investigating after a discussion in my bookclub. Some people place distinctions between the different types of genres... for example, there are those which are about the characters/themes of a book (LGBTQIA+), those about the target audience (young adult, childrens), those about the format (graphic novel, poetry), those about the plotline (mystery, romance, fantasy) and so on and so forth.
Some people would like to be able to view charts which have chosen genres excluded from the data (by this I mean not showing e.g. the young adult category in the chart, as opposed to hiding any books with YA as a genre from the chart altogether) to better reflect how they personally tend to categorise their reads
kpwxx It will not include being able to exclude certain genres though with the upcoming custom stats option, you'll be able to have your own genres chart categorising books as you wish.
If we could have multiple read dates for the same book/edition that would be fantastic. (I like to keep track of when I do re-reads). Right now when I re-read a book and want it to show up for this year/a different date, I have to change the saved date & lose that information.
Unless there is a way to do this and I’m missing it/not easily accessible.
afwolf14 There's a way to do this already. On the book page of a read book click on "view/edit read history" and add in all of your rereads there. On mobile, this option is behind the three-dot menu!
Rereads track across editions as well!
afwolf14 Came here because I was wondering about this as well. Looks like you can change a read book to currently reading and it will record the new dates and re-read stats.
New for Plus users: Filter down your stats by custom time period!
Tag stats will be added to the main stats board dropdown and then all of these new options will be available in a new advanced version of Compare Stats.
Nadia I am so excited about these changes. You are doing a fantastic job!
vanislandcircus Thank you so much!!
Nadia I love this! Is there a chance you will be adding a way to see the pages read chart for those custom time periods, too? Or maybe a way to export that data, if it's too cumbersome to have that visual representation for more than the month views? (Not only is it interesting on its own, but I'm finding it a pretty good indicator of mood/mental health, and it would be really great to have that at-a-glance chart for longer periods than the month views already available.)
rebekkah Hello! Not as part of this phase of work, but I imagine we'll have it at some point!
I would love it if the genres bar graph was easier to click on mobile! Or maybe make it a pie chart similar to the moods?
Hi! Would it be possible to add languages to the ‘Viewing stats for’ filter? I would love to see stats for read books in a specific language.
fluffysaurus Hi! Great idea, but the V4 work has been set now. I see that being an option in the future and might be done as part of future languages work!
I love seeing the total amount of pages I've read each day, but as I often read multiple books at once I would like an easy way to see how many pages I've read that day from a specific book.
My suggestion for this is for the graph showing pages/minutes read, when hovering over a point it shows the total amount but also lists the books you logged pages for that day and how many pages from each book. This could also work for the minutes listened. :)
Used to use an excel spreadsheet to calculate how many pages I read each day, love how easy it is on storygraph, I use it every single day!
ingridkh Ooh, I'd love this too! I have seen some bullet journal spread ideas where people have a monthly tracker for reading, in the form of a bar chart, with each book represented by a different color. So you can see total pages read each day, but also at a glance see which books/how many pages per book. I'd love an option for something like this, and/or a way to toggle through the books that were read in a given time period to see each book's individual progress overlaid on the combined monthly pages chart.
Looking forward to the new stats! :) I'd love to see an option to expand the number of "Most Read Authors" shown in the stats!
urlphantomhive That won't be in this body of work but is a potential for the future.
i agree, I would really love to be able to see more than just the top 10
I’d love to see a stat similar to “Most-Read Authors” but for audiobook narrators!
abbie_reads_books Cool! Check out this post: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/narrator-illustrator-stats
I would like graphic novels/manga to be more easily filtered. When I look at my monthly stats it always says I read a lot of <300 books, when most of those are manga or graphic novels. I'm more interested in the length of the novels I read, so an easy way to filter those out would be nice.
Hi! Not sure if this is considered a new feature so please let me know so I can post it properly but...
It would be nice to have a list of books whenever I hover on a specific datapoint in the stats (for example: mood in the mood pie chart). Or upon click, a "pane" can slide in from the right to give me a list of books.
Current behavior is that I need to click the pie/mood and it will take me to a page with the list of books for that mood. There's no way to open that page to a different browser tab (tried right clicking and cmd + clicking) so it always overrides the Stats page which is cumbersome when I just want to quickly see what makes up a specific datapoint :)
I hope I made sense!
thisbookbelongstopam You sure did! I love this idea for a potential UX improvement. It'll unlikely make it into Stats V4, but perhaps one for a future iteration, or just as part of some UX improvement work!
Wondering if this could be considered for the stats update? https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/add-plot-character-a-mix-driven-stats-to-yearly-monthly-stats-an
maddychance Hi Maddy! We've already finalised what's going in to Stats V4 so unlikely, but we'll consider it for a future round for sure. We're always working on the stats. On your page for your post, can you please explain a little more about what you imagine it looking like? Thank you!
I would love it if page length (and audiobook length) had different buckets for short stories vs shorter novels/novellas. I feel like there's a big difference between reading a 10 page short story and a 270 page book. Maybe aim for a split around 17,500 words, to match the Hugo novella/novelette split?
(I'm not sure if this request should be a post here or a separate suggestion - happy to move if requested)
hwesta Noted! There's this post: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/add-100-pgs-or-less-to-pg-pie-chart
Nadia Thanks, commented over there
Would you also consider using a fixed scale for the x-axis (ratings) of the Star ratings graph? So that if my ratings of 5 books are [1 star, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5], it will show that my ratings are leaning high overall, rather than just five equally spaced columns. Thanks!
Emily Yes, we'll consider that for sure!
I love the new DNF stats! The only thing I'm missing is being able to see them for a specific year rather than for all DNF'd books ever. I think it would be cool to see how DNF stats change over time (do you DNF more/less, faster/slower, etc).
Hooray! Will it the new stats dashboard make it possible to see our stats as line graphs showing change month to month? I’d love that! WAY better than comparing side-by-side bar graphs from one month to the next :)
ryanlee Hello! That's not part of the proposed changes at the moment but could be a future development!