Show your edition as search result
annevhMay 15, 2021
Hi there! This is probably also way more complicated than it seems, haha, but could you make it so that the edition I last read/marked as to read etc. shows up in the search results when I search a book on the storygraph? I think this would be particularly helpful for people who read other languages
Books shown in search results, when you're browsing/filtering on the Browse All Books page, and when you're looking at your recommendations, now default to your edition! 🎉
For all other cases: author pages, series pages, reading challenge prompt pages, other users' profile pages, etc., we were going to head down a route similar to what's discussed in this post — https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/ratings-should-mostly-follow-the-book-not-the-edition — but we thought of some gotchas/ways in which the user flow might end up being confusing.
To that end, we'll be seeking feedback from our Twitter and Instagram communities tomorrow, so be sure to check those places out if you'd like to contribute!
This would also be useful for adding books to reading challenges, the 'you read another edition' of this book tag is useful but painful to navigate!
Just adding a note here for us to keep this in mind re reading challenge prompt pages as well.
We've decided to handle this separately.
Hello! Thank you for the feedback! Although it wouldn't apply to folk reading in other languages - if they searched for say the Italian edition of The Hunger Games using the Italian title, the Italian one would be the one that appears in the search results. :-)
Yes! I sometimes end up reading one edition (or with one as tbr) and tagging a different one without noticing because of this. That would be great.