Title should be removed from To Read once I read it (edition agnostic)
bookcaseyOct 17, 2023
Sometimes I add a book to my TBR but end up reading it in another edition. Unfortunately, then the book keeps showing up on my TBR unless I go in and manually click "remove book" -- but the popup is so scary that I always worry I'm going to erase my journal entries!
I would like if:
- A book gets removed from my To Read list if I read any edition of the book
- The "remove book" warning specifies that it will remove the information on only that edition -- I think this is the actual behavior, but the current wording makes me nervous.
Thank you! I <3 TSG.
I just went through my to-read list to find books for a reading challenge, and there are so many things on there that I've already read and reviewed - just in a different edition. I clicked into a couple of them and marked them as read (or removed them from my list) but then I got tired of doing it. Could there be a really, really easy way to see that you've read another edition of a book, at the very least?
Where the removal of user data is concerned we'd rather be scarier to reduce the likelihood of mistakes, though I take your point that we could adapt the wording.
What flow are you going through when you mark a book as "Read" or "Currently reading" you're regularly in this situation of differing editions?
Nadia When I add a book to my To Read list, I might not be looking too closely at the format or the book is pre-print and there's only one entry so far. Then, if I don't remember to "switch editions" before I start recording, I end up in a situation where one edition is still sitting on my To Read list even though I just finished another edition.
This happens to me pretty regularly, which makes my To Read list less useful because I have to go in and manually clean it up. If it were easier to remove a book from To Read without touching any other data, that would also help.
The primary issue is that if I read the title after adding it to my To Read list, I expect it to come off my To Read list, no matter which format I read.
bookcasey I understood the post/what you were asking and it's been asked a few times before. I just wanted to understand your current user flow!
By the way, some people do use the different editions functionality intentionally (which is why it was done this way in the first place): paperback in 'read', audio version left on 'to-read', etc.
I figured someone would, so maybe the compromise then is just making it really easy to remove an edition from To Read without touching any other data.
For example, if I read the paperback, then add it to my To Read, then want to take it off To Read... wouldn't Remove also delete the record of me reading it?
bookcasey Yes, maybe that's it! I'll have a think.
Nadia Another option might be a notification in step #3 of the workflow bookcasey mentioned to solve it at that stage. One of the consequences I've experienced is I add a book to my TBR in one edition, I add tags to that edition, add it to reading challenges, but then if I start reading it in a different edition, all that data gets basically lost. The reading challenge part has been fixed, now that any edition will make a challenge prompt complete, but I still sometimes find myself having to do some tedious cleanup to make sure everything is the way I expect. I wonder if something like this would help:
Obviously the wording of that would need some workshopping to make it more clear, but it might be useful for people in the situation described in the issue who don't realize they are ending up with undesired duplicate editions, while also allowing people who did this on purpose to leave that other edition in their TBR.
jaina8851 I do like this idea! Thank you for laying it out!
jaina8851 This toggle should also exist when you mark something as read since not all of us think to log into Storygraph and set things as "reading."