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Track diverse reading

Mar 4, 2021
Collect author diversity statistics (gender and race) to track reading habits and make sure they're diversediversemakemakemakemakemakem
Collect author diversity statistics (gender and race) to track reading habits and make sure they're diversediversemakemakemakemakemakem
I think this can get complicated real fast, given closeted authors, so there would have to be a good way to deal with that. Assuming everyone is cis straight unless specified otherwise is not great. (I don't have a perfect solution, just something to be considered.)
simonlorden Yes, we're very aware of that and it's why we've not touched this feature, despite it being one of our most requested ones. Check out the conversation on this post:
This is already on our roadmap. It's currently under "Long term". :-)
We wanted to start work on it last year, but there are some things that need deeper thinking before we get stuck into it.