StoryGraph users can comment on the reading activity/review of their friends
Oct 20, 2021
We’re thinking of adding in the ability to comment on your StoryGraph's friends’ reading updates and/or reviews (if your friends have commenting turned on!).
There’ll be settings for comments. So you’ll be able to have StoryGraph friends, but commenting disabled (which will be the default).
What do you think?
I would love, love this option. I would like to be able to ask friends about books and/or recommend a particular book to them.
This is maybe the only feature goodreads has that I was sad that Storygraph doesn't
Please include this feature!! My friends and I are having to go off platform to make a comment about what someone is currently reading or just finished!
Yes please, that would be lovely! :)
And I think it might convince some people who are still on goodreads to finally make the switch. ;)
Yes please!!!
I'd love this!!
I would also love to be able to like reviews I see on a book's page (whether I am friends with the reviewer or not), especially if commenting won't be allowed in those situations.
I would love to be able to interact more with my friends on storygraph and comment on their updates/reviews. It'd be nice to like community reviews on a book's page too.
My most-wanted feature!
This would be great to have. It would also be great to have the feed of what friends are reading and reviewing on the homepage. It’d make the homepage more usable.
ashley_a_reads The reason we don't have that on the homepage is that several people really wouldn't like that, so we don't want to add a social aspect until you can customise the homepage.
Yes, this is one of the few things that I still miss on The StoryGraph!
One of the biggest features that will actually keep me on plus. Being able to casually comment and encourage friends through their reading activity would be amazing.
brandoneckroth This feature will be free for everyone! Should be coming this year.
Nadia incredible news!
Yes, please add this ability. I would love to contact/comment on SG friends' reading updates.
Glad to see this on the roadmap! Really looking forward to better community engagement 👏🏻
I really hope this gets bumped up priority, soon! It would help make it much more social (and excellent for my Read-Your-Own-Book book club!!).
beccabou It was on the roadmap for last year so should definitely be happening this year. 👀 😅
Yes, very much this. It is the one thing I feel I'm missing from that other site.
I'd love to see this!
Love this! I go through and like my friends' activities, but commenting and chatting would be AWESOME.
Yes please!
would love this!
I would love to be able to just like or upvote friend's book reviews! I keep reading some great reviews and would like to let people know I enjoy reading their thoughts.
beebeewin Taking that one step further, I'd like to be able to upvote other people's reviews, even anonymously.
It drives me slightly bonkers that I have no way of commenting on my friends' updates unless I can find the same update on Goodreads. I have no interest in seeing comments devolve into the cesspit of GR comments, but I would find it immensely valuable to have it as an opt-in between friends only.
I think this would be a big help for convincing some of my friends to move over to this app; many of them currently like the more social aspects of other book-tracking apps, so it's hard to get them to make the swap fully. As long as it's opt-in and not visible for people who don't want it, this seems great. Maybe there even can be a type of checkbox opt-in to more fully customize it as some people only want emoji reactions: allow emoji reactions, allow comments, with the ability to specify which users can do either. Check either option or both, and we just keep these unchecked to not enable them at all on our reviews/updates.
maxgardner Thanks for the feedback! The aim is to have the first version of this out some time this year or early 2024.
If it's strictly friends only ( I have none but do plan on doubling that number soon) , and off by default, then it would probably be a nice option for many. I would be much less unenthused about the possibility of reacting to reviews without commenting.
I’m with others that I’m not sure I necessarily want to see people fight over character pairings or things like that in comments, but I’d love a reaction button! Maybe even a few reaction options.
I like the idea but I don't want it clogging up my homescreen. Can we make it that you have to go to the Community tab to access?
milpeaches I don't envisage this sort of thing being on the homepage until the homepage is customisable!
I love the idea of being able to "like" or "thumbs up" the reviews I find helpful. When reading a review that's particularly thoughtful, I often wish I could give that internet stranger a high-five to show appreciation for their insight.
I think that this would be a great way to cultivate the Community vibe even more within the App. I appreciate that there are people who might not want this, so I think having the option to toggle this on and off like other options already in the app and future updates - is really smart and making this app as fully community oriented as best as possible.
YES please! Or even just ability to "react" to a friend's review, not necessarily comment. Something to expand the current "like" button to emoji reactions (shocked, interesting, sad) or something bookish like "thanks for the reco!" or "added to my to read!" or "i like this too!" or "this book made me feel frustrated!"
I think hyping people's review up is an amazing way to encourage people to post their reviews, if this makes sense. Thank you!
Not going to lie, I've enjoyed not having a comment feature. But having a settings for comments would be amazing if SG adds this feature.
romanceschmomance Yes, there'll be a setting and it'll be default off, even if you have friends! :-D
This would be great! I think being able to comment on updates and reviews would make things feel a lot less isolated
Yes! I just did a post on IG about The storygraph and the thing people said they wanted the most was this. Basically better community vibes. The ability to interact more with others.
That would be really great!
I love the settings option, because I want SG to be more a tracking part and not a social media part for me. So super awesome!
I'd love to be able to comment on what my friends are reading. At the moment, I have to remember which username is which friend and then go to another platform to actually interact with them.
I'd love it if eventually this kind of activity could be filtered into the book page - kind of like the reading challenges. So you can see you and XXX discussed this book' as a bit of reminder of why I might want to read it next.
This is definitely the one thing I miss most from GR, the ability to interact with my friends. I think people would really love this.
I'd love it - I would also love to be able to compare my stats with my friends stats, would that be possible?
Yes, that's a potential feature, but that's not related to this potential update! There's this post that might be more fitting: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/see-stats-for-all-users.
I would love to be able to talk to my friends about the books they are reading, and I'd love to read their opinions on my books.
Just to say, while I'm not expecting The StoryGraph to replicate what cough other sites offer, I am personally really missing elements of interactivity - particularly being able to comment/receive comments on reviews. I may well be in a minority here but I like the community aspects of reading as well as the, uh, reading aspects of reading.
Yes for sure!
I believe it's beneficial with settings that distinguish between Friends and Followers. I think seeing what the communication styles for the Buddy Reads and Book Clubs features will help in determining how to better improve commenting on a mass scale.