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Stats V4
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Feb 28, 2021
The next iteration of our stats dashboard is coming soon. There'll be new addition for both free and Plus users, the latter of which will form the bulk of the transitioning of Plus to an "Advanced Stats" package.
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The graph called "Publication Year VS. Read Date" is really cool, but maybe needs a different format.
I read Oedipus Rex, which was published over 2000 years ago. It makes the whole graph basically worthless as the other several hundred books I have read just form a line at the top.
Could you add a way of excluding either certain books, or time periods so that this graph becomes useful for anybody who's read old stuff.
olityr In our next series of updates, work on which is starting soon, we'll be working on improving this graph!
A way to see stats on the demographics of authors you've read. This could maybe be user-added content?
never_sam Check out the conversation on this roadmap post, if you haven't already: We're considering adding in a way to build custom stats for Plus users, which will be a way for people to generate charts on any topic they like!
Having the average rating for book page count/audio length included with the other ratings by book type would be nice.
I myself read a lot of books with the physical book and the audiobook at the same time. It would be great to have a different format stat for that.
a_robin_reads Check out this Immersive Reading Feature post.
Sorry to separate, but it would also be great to see some read harder competitions built in to the stats. (i.e., even if you don’t opt into it in a dedicated way you can see how you do in the course of your average reading.)
I would love to see a word cloud of the user entered tags in the books I have read. (Understood this assumes some need for filtering)
belovedsnail We'll probably be able to do this once we have properly public tags, e.g. they show up on a user's profile page, might show up on the book's page, etc. Right now, the current 'public' tag level is really 'visible with link', so we'll be developing another privacy tier.
Nadia got it. Thanks!
I would like to see around where I rank among other StoryGraph users in the number of books I read. I get that this should be an opt-in thing that maybe only shows up on the end of year wrap up. (It should be opt-in for the people who are super competitive and would read to get to number 1.)
creativecura building about this, fun stats about you as a reader versus other readers.
I would love maybe adding a tagging system to the genres tab.
Not every single genre is interesting to everyone and there are subgenres that aren’t included.
Furthermore, there are a lot of similar books that are in slightly different tabs, which can be annoying.
In addition (and maybe repeating) to all the amazing ideas down the thread I would like to have languages stats (I saw they are planned in the long term, exciting !)
Also it would be nice to have some kind of option to un-select Publication years in the Publication year vs read date statistic. I read some ancient classics, and even though it is cool to see those, going down do - 700BC makes most of the rest that I read be muddled up on top.
Sorry if some of these have already been mentioned. Just trying to be thorough.
saoirse_edits #8 is what I came here to say!
saoirse_edits I am absolutely here to second translation specific stats! having the ability to set "original language" alongside the "original publication date" would definitely be a plus for this
a breakdown of how diverse my reading is - how many women or non-binary authors, how many BIPOC authors?
I would love to be able to view a certain range of years, in addition to All Time.
I don't know if I am not seeing it, but is there a way to manually enter pages read. Some of the books do not have the number of pages so we miss out on pages read if we don't have that information.
Hello! If a book you want to track pages of doesn't have pages added, select "Flag incorrect book information..." on the book page and one of our volunteer librarians will look into it for you. If you'd like, before the pages are added, you could edit the journal entries generated from the progress updates with the pages read. You can get to the reading journal via the book's page or your profile page. Contact us via the app if you'd like any more guidance on this!
Being able to permanently hide certain years from “all time” stats. (There were some years where I tracked inconsistently—eg, years where I only tracked kid’s books—and those make my all-time stats a bit wonky.)
I second this.
A graph that shows pages or procentage per day or maybe per month
We have a pages per day chart already! You can find it at the bottom of each of your monthly stats views!
You can also view pages per month on the all-time stats view.
I love the pages per day stat! But something about the graph formatting makes it hard to read—no matter my range for the month, the y-axis is updated to make the line graph all jumpy. Could the y-axis range stay smaller? Or maybe a smoothed line could be added to show the general trend rather than emphasizing day-to-day differences?
I'd like the option to hide the format of books (audiobooks and e-readers) from the stats page. I rarely read in different formats so it's kind of clutter/an extra setting for me to adjust.
Maybe this would be better fixed by an option to customize your stats page (toggle on/off bits). Apologies if that's already suggested elsewhere and I missed it!
Not sure if it's been suggested elsewhere but we will be bringing customisation to the stats page, including toggling sections and and off, in the future!
Hello! It might be already in and I didn't notice, but I would be very interested in seeing stats on DNFs books or TBRs! 😄
You can see TBR stats on the "All-time" stats page! :-D
So glad I found this thread - I cam here specifically to ask about stats for DNFS - being able to see DNFs by genre, author etc would be a great addition to the arsenal of stats here, an arsenal which (very much unlike my favourite football team) is already full of win.
DNF stats would be fantastic.
I agree! I was just wondering what my DNF stats looked like for the year and was bummed that wasn’t a viewable option.
superpuffin I agree on stats on DNFs! I know I'm DNFing a lot more this year than I used to, so it'd be an interesting thing to know about going forward.
Books part of a series verse standalones. Not quite sure how but I would be curious to see how many new series I started that period as well.
I would love to see data on where my books are coming from: library, purchased, borrowed... On the book's page, it could be information the reader adds along with their review and dates read. Something like source and then a list of options. I don't know the feasible but that would be helpful
This! As an aspiring librarian--would love to see the option for boosting libraries and borrowing books from loved ones and others.
100%. I use a separate excel tracker in conjunction with the storygraph specifically because this information is invaluable to me. I love knowing where I got my books because it tells me if I'm properly utilizing my subscriptions.
I think re-read stats might be interesting for some... My daughter is re-reading the same book for I think the fourth time because she loves it so much.
Agh, I just put in a request for a feature. I browsed this thread briefly but didn't see this. facepalm I would REALLY love to see this feature, as there is a fairly hefty pile of books and series that I reread yearly and bi-yearly. I would love to see how big that pile really is!
Hehe — it's fine that you made a new post for it! I wouldn't necessarily expect people to browse through all of these ideas before suggesting a new stat. :-D
Along this vein, I'd also like to be able to filter to hide re-reads from the stats. For example, if you want to know which author you've read the most unique books from.
I feel like I read this somewhere else, so maybe this is already on your radar, but I would love to see an addition for "hours listened" to the chart that shows number of books and pages read. Right now it feels like my audiobooks aren't represented in that chart at all, and while "pages read" is technically accurate, it also feels incomplete since I'm actually "reading" way more than the chart portrays. Not exactly sure how to do it, since both of the y-axes are taken up with a scale already, but I'd love to see that added. It feels like a neat way for me to see "oh, in February I only read a few kindle/physical books, but that's because I was super duper engrossed in audiobooks, look how long I was listening."
Hi jaina! Yes, that's already on our main roadmap, in the "Medium-term" column! Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. :-)
It would be interesting if the algorithm was changed and based more on star ratings. For example, I might read a lot of "fast-paces" books, but maybe I give those a lot lower rating than medium-paced books. Or maybe I'm reading a lot of darker books than lighter books but I tend to rate lighter books more highly. Obviously, this is a much longer-term change, but it would be interesting seeing that reflected in the stats as opposed to a simple numbers game.
This might cause issue with those who don't do star ratings, but I think it would be interesting to see how this impacts the data! Overall, I like how it is displayed and especially enjoy the line graph with the pages/books.
Hi Lindsey! We definitely have plans to include charts/data around how you typically rate books against other factors like moods, pace, genres, etc. We also include a range of data points in our recommendations algorithm already, and we're always tweaking it too.
This is great to hear. You guys are awesome. This website/app is so innovative and on top of it. I'm sure you hear it a lot but we really do appreciate all of the work you do making this app come to life. The Storygraph has changed how I read.
I would love to see how I rate books from different publishers/imprints!
It would also just be lovely to see "most-read" publishers and imprints similar to the stat for authors.
I think an 'I'm not interested' or 'Hide book' button would be useful in the recommendations section. I would prefer to hide certain books from my recommendations list because I know for sure I'm never going to read them.
Hello! This thread is for new ideas for stats charts, so we may remove this comment. However, we have that feature! The x button in the top right of the book pane (or by the authors names) are for indicating: never show me this book (or author) again.
I'd like to suggest a change to this. I don't want the book to be hidden from me, I just want it to reflect in the 'to read' area that I'm not interested in reading it. Sometimes I will look a book up or be looking through a friend's recent reads (or another type of list) and I still want those books to show up because it tells me when I don't have much in common with a friend. But I do want to be able to easily see that I looked into the book and I decided I'm not interested in reading it.
This is also helpful because (correct me if I'm wrong please) I don't think others can see the books that you've hidden with the x button. But I want my friends to be able to see the books I've marked as 'Not Interested' so that it doesn't get suggested to me.
I'd love to see how long it takes me to read a book. I read a lot of books in one sitting, then there are a few that I might read over a few days or weeks. And how that correlates with how long a book is. Because I know that a lot of times how engaged I am with a book shows up with how long it takes me to read.
Totally agree with this! I used to use a spreadsheet (Book Riot’s) that tracked this for me, and it then would show what my average time to read a book or listen to an audiobook was over the entire year which was really cool to see.
Regarding @marsican's idea for the moods alternative idea to the bar graph might be a waffle chart. You could use a book icon instead of the standard square. :)
It would be great if there was a way to print out all the charts and graphs at the end of the month and the end of the year.
I would expand on this and say have the system email you a pdf of your progress.
Setting location by country would be greatgregreatat, especially for the challenges like reading around the world or from a certain continent.
In my book club, one of the members asked if there were plans for a chart like this. They said it’s the one thing really holding them to goodreads.
I love this feature. I hope the team at storygraph will consider adding it.
I would love to see the book length stat broken down more so that 300-399 and 400-499 were separate items in the graph.
I would also like this to be a bit more nuanced.. I read a lot of really big books, and there is quite a difference between 500 pages and 1200 pages. Perhaps also an "average number of pages" feature?
We'll be having that in our end-of-year wrap-up as a starting point!
Could this potentially be customizable?
Being able to compare a reading trend across more than 2 time periods at once would be awesome. For example, how many fantasy novels have I read each year?
In addition to what others have said (esp about new to you authors, bar graphs, average rating for genres and moods, and author stats), I would love to see stats for other characteristics such as plot/character-driven, lovable characters, diverse characters etc.
I'm most interested in stats for original language and language read, as well as author's country of origin!
I totally agree, this would be the most interesting addition to me (and I'm sure many others who read lots of translated books/read in more than one language)!
I would be interested in seeing things like: a timeline of books read, a chart of books read vs year published, geographical information of the author, original language and/or language read in. (ETA: I see author stats and languages read are already posted as goals. ^_^)
How many new-to-you authors you've read in a year, how many debut novels. :-)
@marsican Yes, I've always known that the mood charts aren't the most accessible or in the best format. Bar charts would indeed be better. It's one of those things where everything was released as a pie chart initially and users fell in love with them on the whole. So, before changing them, I want to do more focused research into what the best format/format options are, what the best colour decisions are, etc. Thank you for the feedback. :-)
I'm a data scientist and in our community the effectiveness of pie/donut chart have been discussed regularly. I find that the treemap plot is better for the following reasons:
I would prefer the mood graph to be a bar graph rather than a pie chart, like the genre graph. When there is more than 3-4 variables, I find pie charts hard to read, it's difficult to see what the top values are, etc. Maybe it could be a toggle for graphs between a pie view and a bar view and the user can choose.
Also for aesthetics (and maybe accessibility?) purposes, the bars in a bar graph could all be the same color.
I also find the pie graphs difficult to navigate sometimes especially on my phone. To me they're pretty but frustrating so an option for bar graphs would be great!
I'd like to be able to see a simple pie chart breaking down my books by author gender.
I would love to see the new releases for every month
It would be fantastic to get your average ratings for each genre and mood! Maybe when you hover over a genre/mood the pop-up would have "Number Read" and "Average Rating" instead of just the number read.
data on year of book publication, country of publication, original language, and author birth year
Stats about books in translation would be interesting, trying to read more diverse books and would like to be able to keep track of it :-)
Custom date ranges for stats would be the 🐝's knees! I'd love to be able to compare reading Quarter over Quarter, for example, not just Month over Month.
I'd love to see stats on how many of the books I read were Owned vs. Not.
The ability to gift Plus memberships would be a nice way to support TSG.
Would we be able to see aggregated stats from the whole of the StoryGraph? If it is OK with the Privacy Policy.
I'd like to know which books have been read the most times, or on the most TBRs. And the breakdown by category. Also if this changes over time. All the things, really.
If you're a plus user, you can view your stats broken down by tags right now! Go to your tags page:
And click the little pie chart up top:
I really like a lot of the suggestions here, but if they are all done it will be a lot to look through. So, as the number of options grows, I would appreciate the ability to choose/hide certain stats/graphs. Much like how some dashboards allow a user to choose widgets.
I would like to see a new reads/re-reads breakdown. I reread a lot of books, and am trying to read more new-to-me books.
I would find it interesting to see the pages/books read graph also broken down by other criteria. For example - total, then also fiction and non-fiction, which should add up to the total. This would let me see variation over time (I.e. do I read more fiction in the summer/winter?).
I'd be curious to see how many books/pages in a given year were written by an author I have never read before.
I have no idea how feasible this would be, but it would be super interesting to see tags integrated into stats—so, to use some examples mentioned in the other comments here, how many books tagged with 'audio,' with 'short-stories,' with 'queer,' with 'vietnamese' or with 'peruvian-lit' did I read in the past month/year/etc.? I imagine people's stats interests are so varied that TSG couldn't possibly offer them all built-in; this might be a way to get around that.
I use a spreadsheet currently to track diversity of books I'm reading, it would be great to have that built into stats somehow (my spreadsheet is from BookRiot, and includes ways to note whether the author/artist and/or protagonist is BIPOC or LGBTQ+). The spreadsheet also tracks things like format, country of origin, and a "reason for reading" field that includes things like "for fun, book club, school, professional development"
I’d love to be able to track the author demographics of the books I’ve read (as well as original language, for books in translation). But I would imagine that’s a lot of new metadata to add and a bit of a nightmare to organize.
One way around that might be to give us the option for stats by tag. Not breaking down tags into the existing categories (as we can already do on the tags page), but using tags as a category themself (eg, how many of the books I read were tagged “queer author”—rather than, eg, how does my queer-author tag break down by pace). Since that could get messy quickly, we’d need the ability to select which tags to include/exclude.
That's something I do right now and it works great. I add a tag to a book if I know the author is BIPOC or if it's translated from a specific language and since I have a Plus membership I can view stats by tag. It's really helpful in working around things like this to be able to track the books from specific demographics of authors.
I agree with stats about authors/own voices: BIPOC/not, country, gender/sexuality, intersection of any of the above. Help me see if I'm reading diversely or not!
This would be interesting! over on Goodreads, I started tracking that manually through tags--such a process. So I'm glad I made the switch over here.
I agree, that would be useful!
books read by format: audio, ereader, physical book
Being able to compare YTD stats
stats about authors. as in POC etc, also, stats about language. stats about years books were written/published.