Add (private) notes to books
Apr 11, 2021
It would be interesting to have a short notes field in the To-Read Pile in order to keep track of who recommended that book, or a quote/review that brought it to your attention, that sort of thing.
Merged posts
Source/notes on To-Read addsadd notes for 'to read' booksTBR: tell me WHY?Add notes to Books in TBRTo-Read Reading Journal“To Read” ideaAdd where/how heard of book to tbrPrivate notes on booksComment when adding to TBRAdd private comments fieldWhy I want to read itNotes for TBR and Author FilteringAdd notes to TBR booksTrack recommendation sourceTags/Notes on "To Read" BooksNotes on To-ReadAbility to add short notes against ‘To Read’ booksAdd comments to "To Read"Notes on currently reading booksAdd journal entry to ANY book, not just currently reading
Yes! That's definitely something we want to add! In fact, it already exists in the backend...we just haven't exposed it yet.
Adding my voice as well! I have a really hard time remembering why I added a book or who recommended it to me. I would love to be able to know who recommended me a book because then I can go and talk to them about it once I finish! I have ended up rearranging my TBR order just because of this, so I can read the book before I forget who told me about it.
samtheowl96 For me I do a "recommended by x" tag but I don't take recommendations from more than 3 or 4 people.
Adding my voice to this. I would love to be able to add where I got the recommendation from. It can be months between when I put a book on hold at the library and have it become available. This would let me track where the recommendation came from. Please please please. I can see from the comments that you have it in the back end, please flip the switch.
I want this so bad! I need a way to track where I got recommendations without having to create a tag for each person I receive a recommendation from.
A use case I have for this is wanting to note the number on my signed and numbered editions.
I look forward to this to keep track of who recommends me a book and why. Without this feature, I still keep a digital 'books to read' list because StoryGraph is inadequate.
Notes, especially on why i want to read something as I put it on a TBR, would be AMAZING!!! I have such a hard time organizing a TBR because I can never remember this stuff!
Would LOVE this feature
I get lots of recs from friends on bookstagram and would love to be able to make note of who I got a rec from as I add it to my TBR! It would also be cool to be able to add custom notes in the reading journal with a quick reaction or loved quote as I read. Hope this notes on books feature gets added SOON! Thank you <3
PLEASE OH PLEASE may we have this? I so often want to talk to the person who recommended I read a certain book....but can't remember who it was by the time I get to the book and finish it!
I used this feature on That Other Platform. It's about the only thing I've missed since I moved over here. I keep a file now that holds my notes on recommendations and try to remember to add a tag to TBR entries that reminds me to check it, but this is an awkward and error-prone workflow.
Just adding another vote for this! Right now I use another app to track my tbr because I want to see why I added it. I move books over to storygraph once I'm getting ready to read them.
came here to suggest this too! I use tags to try to denote where I remember getting the book rec from for my graphs/charts! The tag function is great, but I think adding comments to books that can't be denoted in tags would be really helpful.
Would very much love this feature! I forget why I added books to my to-read pile all the time, ha.
Just adding another word of support for this. I often add things to my reading wishlists with great enthusiasm, based on recommendations from friends or reading a wonderful review, but inevitably retain little to no memory of why a book is on my list. Especially if it's something that might be out of my usual comfort zone, and/or that has a description or reviews/ratings that wouldn't otherwise make me enthusiastic about picking up the book.
Super excited about this concept! I'm adding books to my TBR shelf that my friend recommended to me. Currently, I use tags to track who recommended a book but I was hoping to be able to also add notes about what my friend said regarding the book. I'm glad to know this concept is already on your radar!
Another vote for this. I also wonder if it might be easier just to have a "progress" note instead that you could add at anytime, since right now you can only do it when a book is in progress or finished.
adverb I think it'll probably end up appearing in the book journal as well/there'll be two separate concepts (as being able to add directly to the reading journal is another requested feature)!
I really would like a way to keep track of who or what recommended a book to me
I wish this existed just in general on a book's user-specific metadata (I wouldn't want it to go away after I start/finish a book). I used the notes field on GR for this exact purpose (noting who recommended a book so I could follow up with them once I read it). Now I have to track it separately :/
maxgardner There will be an ability to add and refer to notes on a book that you have a status against, irrespective of what that status is.
I came here to request this! My coworker first suggested it, and I completely agree. On Goodreads I used tags to note if a book was available at my library or available on audio, but I'd much rather use a private note.
Would love this!
Yes - I want to be able to make a quick note of why I wanted to read the book. I recently added several books from my local school district's banned books list and books that were removed from the curriculum because of their content, and I really want to have a way to notate that so that I don't forget about it when I do get around to reading those books.
YES please; I would love a notes field that would let me refresh my memory of where I found it/why I wanted to read it, if I wanted to read it as a follow up to something else, etc. This would be extremely helpful to let me jot notes that aren't covered by the tags.
This would be absolutely wonderful and so helpful. There's so many books on my TBR I have no idea why I added them, and not knowing why I'm interested in it makes me a lot less likely to pick it up. I feel like I'm missing out on wonderful books because of this!
YES this would be a FANTASTIC feature! I have all sorts of things in my to-read pile, which were all put there for a reason, but sometimes I can't remember why something is there or who told me about it, etc. and having a little private note feature would be amazing to help remember!
I was about to add a similar suggestion--I would really love a field to remind myself why I was interested in a book.
I had just posted this as a new idea, but then saw this post... so I will add it here. I would LOVE private notes! Here was what I wrote:
An easy to access "private notes" section on a books page. Somewhere I could add a note like "rec from Julie" or "The ending of this sucked because Joe died!" Things I don't want to put in a review but I would want to remind myself of later if I pulled the book up. Maybe it is only available if you put the book on one of your shelves so there aren't a ton of notes floating around everywhere.
If you're reading or have read the book, you can add private notes via the "Reading Journal". Being able to do that for your TBR is still forthcoming!
le3713 it would be good if we could add journal notes before/after we read a book, in that case. this could be a very easy way to add this option.
Yes please!
Yes! That's definitely something we want to add! In fact, it already exists in the backend...we just haven't exposed it yet.
Nadia is this going to be able to happen soon? Would love if so!!!
fell4 Perhaps! Making space for exposing features like this one was part of the reasoning behind the redesign! (Now we have that handy action menu/dropdown making it easier to add in more functionality without the app becoming cluttered.)